Cello Inferno
Album with 11 Tracks: Can you see me loving, Rocky Road, The Night of the Blood Moon, Whiskey & Dead, Shake your Hips, Fuck & Roll, Stop the Warheads, Crap, My Own Style, Smokestack Lightnin', 666 Temptations
CHF 30.00
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Album with 11 Tracks: Can you see me loving, Rocky Road, The Night of the Blood Moon, Whiskey & Dead, Shake your Hips, Fuck & Roll, Stop the Warheads, Crap, My Own Style, Smokestack Lightnin', 666 Temptations
CHF 20.00
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EP with 5 Tracks: Give me one try, A Lonesome Blues tonight, Why you treat me like a Dog, Dangerous Curves, Everywhere I go
CHF 15.00
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The Delta Magpie
Album with 12 Tracks: Voodoo Woman, Cold in Hand, Black Snake, Killer on the Loose, In my Time of Dying, Just Because, Gimme Grace, Jitterburg Swing, Got the Mojo, Mad Man Blues, Ramblin' Blues, Like a Ship in the Sea
CHF 30.00
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Album with 12 Tracks: Voodoo Woman, Cold in Hand, Black Snake, Killer on the Loose, In my Time of Dying, Just Because, Gimme Grace, Jitterburg Swing, Got the Mojo, Mad Man Blues, Ramblin' Blues, Like A Ship in the Sea
CHF 10.00
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For orders outside Switzerland, please send an email using the link. Postage and customs costs vary from country to country. Then I can tell you the exact amount.